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Halloween Dog Names
Spooky, Creepy, Just plain Fun

Three dogs dressed in costumes and ready for Halloween.

Think Halloween Dog Names and what comes to mind? 

Monsters and Goblins and Scary Characters? 

Spooky, Creepy, Ghoulish?

By Janice Jones   |Last Updated March 18, 2019

Maybe you are a movie or TV buff and can’t wait to see this years line up of the most scary movies of all times. 

If you are a kid (or one at heart), you may think trick-or-treat and hauling in some yummy candy. 

And, don’t forget those costume parties and cozy bonfires.  But if you have a puppy to name, You may want to consider a scary or just plain fun name for him.

If your puppy was born on Halloween, you might want to consider a great Halloween dog name fitting for the occasion. 

Maybe you will be picking up your new puppy around All Hallows' Eve and what could be better than a name reminance of the holiday.

The United States loves this holiday and many other countries of the world celebrate it also. 

Many people may not realize that there is a long history behind this ghoulish day, with many links to religious observations. 

If you are interested, you might want to look into the holiday’s history.  If not, onward to the names.

Names are listed alphabetically without regard to gender.  Many are gender neutral, but some are more appropriate  for boys or girls.

Our Inspiration for Halloween Dog Names?

Names seemed to pop out of our head when we thought about the following topics...


Words that remind you of Halloween and Autumn

Costumes and props


Scary movies

Fun Monster type movies and television


Famous Villains from books and other media

The Colors Black and Orange

Halloween Dog Names

Ahab (from Moby Dick)

Ash (Evil Dead)

Atlas (Villain in Superman)

Axe (A great Prop if you're dressing up)

Babadook (Horror movie)

Banshee (Ghosts in Irish and Scottish Folk lore)

Bat (What's Halloween without bats?

Beetlejuice (From the movie)


Bill (From the TV series True Blood)


Blackjack (Card Game)

Blade (Vampire Hunter)


Boo (Monsters, Inc.)


Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Butterfinger (candy)

Butterscotch (candy)

Caliban ('The Tempest', William Shakespeare)

Candar (Evil Dead)


Candy Corn

Casper (friendly ghost)

Castiel (from TV Supernatural)


Celia Mae (Monsters Inc.)


Chucky (Child’s Play)

Jayne from the Northwest Territories, Canada suggested:

"Daemon" (Demon) Meaning a good demon

Cider (Drink Often associated with Halloween)

Cinnamon (Spice)

Clown (Friendly or Scary?)


Crawford (from Penny Dreadful)

Crow (Movie of same name))

Cruella Deville (101 Dalmatians)

Cujo (Steven King's book)

Cthulhu (Lovecraft)

Damien (from The Omen)

Dante (Dante's Inferno)

Darth Vader (Star Wars)



Dexter (serial killer)

Dorian (Dorian Gray - Book, The Picture of Dorian Gray)

Draco (Harry Potter)


Dragon (Costume)

Edward (From The Twilight Saga)

Eleven (from TV, Stranger Things)

Elvira (Mistress of the Dark

Emily (the Corpse Bride

Eric (From the TV series True Blood)

Eve (All Hallows' Eve)





Franky (Frank for short)

Freddy (Nightmare on Elm Street)

Gargoyle (Scary sculptures on Old buildings)




Gomez (Father in Addams' Family)

Goosebumps (Children’s books and TV shows)



Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs)

Harley Quinn (Villian in the Batman Adventures)

Haunted Make it cute:  Haunty

Heath (candy)

Hershey (candy)

Hitchcock (Alfred)

Hobo (species of spider)

Hocus Pocus

Igor Isabella (From The Twilight Saga)

Jack (from The Shining)


Jacob (From The Twilight Saga)

Jason (From Friday the 13)

Jaws (from the movie)

Jekyll (and Mr. Hyde)

Jester (Court Comedian)

Jigsaw from the movie Saw

Joker (Bat Man)

Karloff (Boris Karloff, actor)

Killer (Great name for a tiny dog)

Kit Kat (candy)

Knight (Black Knight)

Lange (TV Show Jessica Lange Horror Story)

Lanky from Monsters’ Inc.

Lex (Luthor from Superman)

Licorice (Candy)

Lucifer (Another name for the Devil)

Lucius (Malfoy) from Harry Potter

Luna  (Moon and character in Harry Potter)

Lurch (Addams Family)

Magic (as in black magic)

Maze (corn maze)

Medusa (In Greek Mythology, she was a monster)

Merlin (Sorcerer)

Michael (mass murderer in the Halloween series)






Morticia Addams (Addams Family)


Naranja (Spanish for orange)



Noir ( French for black)

Nosferatu Noz for short (First vampire movie)

Norman (from Psycho)


Olaf (Costume from Frozen)

Onyx (Black Stone)

Osiris (God of the Afterlife from Ancient Egypt)

Panther (Black)

Patches (Pumpkin Patches)

Peeps (candy)

Penguin (Batman)

Pennywise (from Steven’s Book,  Penny for short)

Pepper (spice)


Poe (Edgar Allen Poe)

Poltergeist (Polter for short)

Pugsley (From the Addams Family)


Randy (Boggs in Monsters Inc.)

Raven (Large black bird and Poe character)

Reaper (Grim Reaper)

Regan (The Exorcist)

Ripley (from Alien)

Ripper (Jack)

Rosemary (Rosemary's Baby)

Roz (Monsters’ Inc.)

Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Salem (from Salem’s Lot)

Sam (From the TV series True Blood)


Scream (Movie)


Skittles (candy)

Skull (What's Halloween without a skull or two?)

Snickers ( candy)

Sookie (From the TV series True Blood)

Spaulding (House of 1000 Corpses)





Squash (vegetable In the same family as Pumpkin

Stephen (for Stephen King)

Sulley  (from Monsters Inc.)


Taffy (candy)

Tara (From the TV series True Blood)

Tarantula (spider)

Tiffany (Bride of Chucky)

Tootsie (Roll)  Candy

Treat (Treatie, Treator)

Trick (Tricksie)




Twix (Candy)



Vanessa (from Penny Dreadful)

Vincent Price (Actor)

Voldemort (Harry Potter)


Wednesday (daughter in Addams' Family)

Weenie (for Halloween)


Willow (from Buffy the Vanpire Slayer)

Witchy or Witchie



Yaxley (Harry Potter)

Zander (from Buffy the Vanpire Slayer)

Zorro (Masked) 


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About Janice (author and voice behind this site)

Having lived with dogs and cats most of her life, Janice served as a veterinary technician for ten years in Maryland and twelve years as a Shih Tzu dog breeder in Ohio.

Her education includes undergraduate degrees in Psychology with a minor in biology, Early Childhood Education, and Nursing, and a master's in Mental Health Counseling.

She is a lifelong learner, a dog lover, and passionate about the welfare of animals. Her favorite breed for over 50 years has been the Shih Tzu, but she has also lived with Poodles, Maltese, Yorkshire Terriers, Beagles, English Bulldogs, Carin Terriers, and a Cocker Spaniel.

When not writing, reading, and researching dog-related topics, she likes to spend time with her eight Shih Tzu dogs, husband, and family, as well as knitting and crocheting. She is also the voice behind Miracle Shih Tzu and Smart-Knit-Crocheting

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