7 Things You Need To Know About Dogs And Marijuana 

Dogs and Marijuana    

The genetic makeup of humans is way different from that of animals. As a result, animals cannot process marijuana like humans. Even though it is against the law to get your dog high, some dog owners do not mind getting their dog stoned.

Marijuana for dogs, however, is a subject of controversy. The lack of enough studies and scientific research into this field calls for care and caution in using marijuana for dogs. As a result, pet owners excited about using medical marijuana for their dog needs to understand basic things for safe use. 

Here is a comprehensive list that answers all your questions for people who want to know the effect of marijuana on dogs. It is essential to understand the impact of marijuana on dogs and what to expect if your dog accidentally ingests marijuana.  

A man is holding his small Chihuahua7 Things You Need To Know About Dogs And Marijuana

Medical Marijuana and dogs

First of all, bear in mind that marijuana or medical marijuana is not legal for dog use. There are lots of debates on the use of medical marijuana for dogs. There is a lack of studies claiming the health benefits of medical marijuana in dogs. Besides, the FDA has not approved the use of marijuana for pet use.

Some people, however, claim that medical marijuana comes with some health benefits for dogs. This still needs scientific backing.

Marijuana is extracted from the cannabis plant, which helps address many conditions in man and animal. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical compound from the cannabis Sativa plant. It is a type of cannabinoid which is one of the chemicals present in marijuana plants. The CBD compound extracted from hemp still holds some medicinal value for animals. 

However, at the moment, there is no professional vet that will prescribe the use of marijuana or medical marijuana for your dog.

Effect of Marijuana on dogs

Some dogs have a habit of chewing anything they find. Your dog might accidentally eat your stash if it finds it lying around. Marijuana, however, can have some disturbing and life-threatening effects on your dog.

If your dog ate your stash accidentally, here are some things the dog will experience:

  • Drooling
  • Tripping, dragging feet
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Low blood pressure
  • Low body temperature
  • Seizure
  • Low heart rate
A small dog is sleeping on a bedDogs and Marijuana: Marijuana can have some disturbing and life-threatening effects on your dog.

Besides, make sure you do not blow smoke in their face for the fun of it, and never serve your pet weed edibles. 

Chronic marijuana ingestion might require a trip to the vet, which could be expensive to treat. Overall, be a responsible 

Dogs Have a Highly Sensitive Endocannabinoid System

The effects of marijuana are more pronounced in a dog compared to humans. Besides, the CBD receptors of a dog are way more sensitive. This makes marijuana more toxic to dogs.

This explains why dogs can stay high for as much as 24 hours or more, depending on the quantity of marijuana they ingest. 

How Toxic is Marijuana for dogs?

Dogs and Marijuana:  How Toxic is it to dogs?Dogs and Marijuana: REMEMBER: For your dog to experience severe complications, it needs to ingest up to 1.5 grams per pound of body weight.

When THC gets to the body, it is stored in body tissues like the kidney, liver, and the brain. The liver digests THC, and it's passed out via feces or urine.

There are times your dog could accidentally eat marijuana. As mentioned earlier, if the quantity is not much, there is no severe threat. For your dog to experience severe complications from marijuana, it needs to ingest up to 1.5 grams of marijuana per pound of its body weight.

The risk of death of dogs from marijuana poisoning is pretty low. A small dog, however, can die if it ingests excessive quantities of marijuana. Marijuana edibles have a higher concentration of THC than dried weed, which increases the risk of death.

How can I Address Marijuana Poisoning in dogs?

For dogs that consume a huge quantity of marijuana, there is a risk of poisoning. There are different treatment techniques that the vet can recommend.


To prevent vomiting, your vet might give your dog medication. When you consider the toxic properties of marijuana alongside the sedative effects, you must control the vomiting.

When vomiting is in excess, it can cause dehydration. For dogs that ingest a high level of marijuana, on the other hand, inducing vomiting is a good idea to checkmate the high toxicity. It is crucial to get your marijuana that has quality assurance, so that the product is not toxic even to you. 

IVF Fluids

For excessive vomiting, your dog might need IVF fluids to stop dehydration. The vet might recommend Antiemetics and ondansetron. If your dog is overly excited, you might need to sedate it. The vet might recommend chlorpromazine to address any issue in the central nervous system.

Can dogs get High?

When dogs can ingest marijuana or by-products, the concentrated THC content will get them high. Bear in mind that a dog does not get high the same way humans get high.

When humans get high, there are signs like poor limb and muscle coordination, excessive eating, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, sweating, and other symptoms.

Your pet will experience extreme stress, which can have a negative impact. Being high for your dog is a disorienting state that will not make it have a good time. They could suddenly fall, walk in a way you don't understand, have dilated pupils, and excessive reaction to noise. 

Can I give my dog Marijuana for Pain Relief?

The presence of THC in marijuana makes it completely unsafe for your pet dog.

On the contrary, CBD is a good choice for your dog. This is a natural substance found in hemp plants with several health benefits. The absence of THC (the psychoactive part that makes marijuana lethal) makes it safe for your pet.

With CBD oil, you can relieve your dog of chronic inflammation, pain, anxiety, and other physical or mental issues. 

Conclusion: Dogs and Marijuana

The use of marijuana on a dog is a complicated issue. There are health implications of misusing marijuana or abusing the drug.

There are still many things to know about the effect of marijuana on animals. We hope there will be more research on the impact of weeds on dogs. Ensure you do not risk giving your dogs marijuana as it can trigger unwanted consequences. 

Dogs and Marijuana Pin for Future Reference

Dogs and Marijuana Pin Image

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About Janice (author and voice behind this site)

Having lived with dogs and cats most of her life, Janice served as a veterinary technician for ten years in Maryland and twelve years as a Shih Tzu dog breeder in Ohio.

Her education includes undergraduate degrees in Psychology with a minor in biology, Early Childhood Education, and Nursing, and a master's in Mental Health Counseling.

She is a lifelong learner, a dog lover, and passionate about the welfare of animals. Her favorite breed for over 50 years has been the Shih Tzu, but she has also lived with Poodles, Maltese, Yorkshire Terriers, Beagles, English Bulldogs, Carin Terriers, and a Cocker Spaniel.

When not writing, reading, and researching dog-related topics, she likes to spend time with her eight Shih Tzu dogs, husband, and family, as well as knitting and crocheting. She is also the voice behind Miracle Shih Tzu and Smart-Knit-Crocheting

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